About Sensei Tyrone

Tyrone Turner (Sensei Tyrone) is a third degree black belt in American-Te Goju-Ryu. American-Te Goju-Ryu is an eclectic martial art with Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate as its foundation incorporating a wide variety of techniques from Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, Karate-Do, Dong Soo Do, Kempo, Kung-fu and Kobudo.

The result of this style of martial arts, combines the hard techniques of Karate and soft techniques of Aiki-Jujitsu. He is also earned a first degree black belt in Zujitsu Martial Arts. Also he is certified to teach the Griffin Grip and the Pepper-Strike by Professor Michael Griffin.


Sensei Tyrone is pictured above on the far right. His teachers, Angel Robles (Renshi,  6th Degree) and David Bunch (Renshi, 4th Degree) are pictured in the middle and far left respectively.

Sensei Tyrone Turner is a retired military policeman with the U.S. Army Reserve and used to work for the City of New York as a juvenile counselor in a secured juvenile detention center. He is also a licensed security guard and has fire arms training.

In addition to leading small group classes in Manhattan, he teaches Karate and practical personal protection classes part-time at the Rockaway YMCA and the Dodge YMCA in Queens and Brooklyn New York respectively.

He is also a curriculum consultant and program facilitator with the the NYC Department of Education and is a co-founder of a company that teaches people financial fluency and entrepreneurship as a career option.

CLICK HERE to learn more about that business, The Learning About Business Project.


For further details on martial arts
specific credentials,


Connect with him of Facebook and Instagram.


His name on both sites is tyroneturnernyc.

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On Twitter, he can be found @tyroneturner.

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