Sparring Gear for Combatives Training

People ask me what they should by to have a “live” experience when training in combatives. Over time there are various pieces of equipment you should purchase.

Here is the list with recommended vendors:


Mouth Guard

Neck Guard

Sparring Gloves

Forearm guards

Elbow Pads

Groin Protection (Men)

Groin Protection (Women)

Knee Pads

Shin & Instep Guards

I hope this helps you in your training pursuits.

You Should Tote a TotASak™


With the Minimalist Martialist Method, one of our pillars is to train with and carry less-than-lethal, legal-to-carry weaponry. One of the recommended weapons is the TotASak™.

This tool is designed to help a person carry numerous plastic bags in comfort. You know how the plastic bags cut into your hand when you are carrying them? Well, this tool helps with that.

Also, it is a improvised impact weapon that you can easily carry in your bag.


Here is a quick video on the self-defense applications of the this tool.

If someone attacks you, use your TotASak™. Then paramedics will have to tote them away.

Thank you for your time and I hope that I’ve given you something to consider for your personal protection.

On April 2nd, the bodies hit the floor

Here are some video clips from a recent class. The green belts and myself demonstrated the following throws: Body Drop (Tai Otoshi); Circular Throw (Tomoe Nage); Entering Throw (Tomoe Nage); Shoulder Wheel/”Fireman’s Carry” (Kata Guruma); and the Side Wheel (Yoko Guruma).

Take note how Erica and Calvin used the 8 parts of a combat throw.






The 8 Parts of a Combat Throw

In Japanese martial arts, there are three parts to a throw: Balance Breaking; Positioning; and the Throw (kuzushi, tsukuri and kake respectively). The way I teach throws is 8-part:

  1. Block/Evade
  2. Strike
  3. Balance Disruption
  4. Getting in Position
  5. Throw
  6. Strike
  7. Turn-Over (onto opponents belly)
  8. Pin/Hold-Down/Submission

Here is a video where myself and Sempai Erica Cole demonstrate these eight steps:



I hope that you found this video helpful.

Next seminar series starts Tue, May 23rd, 2017

We’ll be meeting twice per week for 5 weeks.

There will be 10 training sessions total in this seminar series.

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These are the training dates:

  1. Tue, May 23rd, 2017
  2. Thu, May 25th, 2017
  3. Tue, May 30th, 2017
  4. Thu, June 1st, 2017
  5. Tue, June 6th, 2017
  6. Thu, June 8th, 2017
  7. Tue, June 13th, 2017
  8. Thu, June 15th, 2017
  9. Tue, June 20th, 2017
  10. Thu, June 22nd, 2017

For more information and to register, CLICK HERE.